Whether you have a question about school programs, need assistance with student services, or want to reach out to the PTO, this page provides all the essential contact information for Williams Elementary and the school district.

School Contacts

Williams Elementary School Contacts


Anthony Byers, PH.D

School Address:

141 Grove Street, Auburndale, MA 02466

Main Office:

(617) 559-6480

Executive Assistant:

Ayse Takacs



Office Hours:

Monday-Friday, 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
School Services Contacts

Attendance Office:

Report absences and tardies
(617) 559-6499

School Nurse:

Health, medication, and immunization records
(617) 559-6484

Counseling Office:

Student support, guidance, and wellness
(617) 559-6480

Special Education Services:

IEPs, accommodations, and support services
(617) 559-6480


Bus schedules and transportation inquiries

Lunch Program & Cafeteria:

School meals and dietary accommodations
(617) 559-6480
School District Contacts

District Office:

Newton Public Schools


100 Walnut Street, Newton, MA 02460


(617) 559-6000



Superintendent's Office:

District Leadership and Policies
(617) 559-6100

Enrollment & Registration:

New student registration and school assignments
(617) 559-6121

Technology Support:

Assistance with school devices and student accounts
(617) 559-6190
Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) Contacts
Have a question or want to get involved? Reach out to us—we’d love to hear from you!

Need Help Finding the Right Contact?

If you’re unsure where to direct your question, call the main office and they will help connect you to the right person.
Phone: (617) 559-6480
Stay informed, stay connected, and let’s work together to support our students!